What We Do
We provide a full range of traditional accountancy services in a modern, personal way. If at all possible, we prefer to work with our clients at thier own business premises to reassure them that we are handling the affairs in an efficient, proactive manner. If working at your premises is not possible, we provide collection and delivery of your books and records in order to make the whole process as hassle free as possible.
We do have clients that are further a field which makes collection and delivery of books and records a logisitcal impossibility. For these clients we offer a fully computerised system, enabling the upload of your records onto our cloud server. Once the work is complete we are able to go have meetings over the internet using various formats including Skype and telephone conference calls.
Company Accounts
As company director, you will be aware of the ever increasing demands to meet your statutory filing requirements. We are able to produce your company's annual financial statements in a timely fashion, giving you the peace of mind knowing that you have fulfilled your statutory duties. We have the experience of dealing with a wide range of companies - from haluage contractors and furniture manufacturers to used car sales and cleaning contractors.
Contact the office to enqiure about our fixed and flexible fees.
Sole Trader & Partnership Accounts
The life of the self employed business person often involves keeping several plates spinning at the same time, leaving you with no space in your life to think about your accounts. We can prepare your annual figures for you leaving you free to concentrate on what matters most - your business. We can help you no matter what the size of your business.
Corporate Taxation
Corporation tax represents a substantial part of your trading costs. Moreover, the increased reporting obligations, robust investigation policies on the part of the tax authorities, and harsher penalties for non-compliance mean that an undue amount of your time and resources can be taken up collecting revenue for the Government.We offer a range of services to help you minimise your corporate tax exposure and relieve you of the administrative burden of complying with tax legislation. These include:
Determining the most tax effective structure for your business
Taking full advantage of tax opportunities and reliefs
Achieving the optimum capital or revenue tax treatment
Reducing tax on disposals and maximising relief on acquisitions
Making the most of tax opportunities specific to your industry
Meeting the rigorous demands of compliance including corporation tax self assessment
Acting on your behalf in discussions with the tax authorities
Personal Taxation - Self Assessment
Self assessment can be a time consuming and often confusing business for busy individuals.
And judging by the hundreds of thousands of taxpayers who are penalised by HMRC each year it can also be very costly if:
Deadlines are missed
Incorrect returns are delivered
Appropriate records are not retained or presented
We aim to spare you all these headaches and free up your valuable time by offering a comprehensive Individual Self Assessment service, including:
Calculating your tax liability
Completing and filing your tax return on your behalf
Advising you when various payments are due and how much to pay
Advising on appropriate record retention
Introducing you to any relevant tax saving ideas
Representing you in the event of your being selected for investigation by HMRC
Contact Us today to discuss how we can spare you the headache of Self assessment.
Administering your payroll can be time consuming and burdensome, diverting energy and resources from the core activities of your business. And the task is made all the more difficult by the growing complexity of taxation and employment legislation and the accompanying regime of penalties for non-compliance.
We have dedicated staff who can relieve you of this burden by providing a comprehensive and confidential payroll service, including:
Customised payslips
Administration of PAYE, national insurance, ssp, smp, spp etc
Completion of statutory forms, including year end returns, to issue to your employees and submit to HMRC
Summaries and analyses of staff costs
Administration of incentive schemes, bonuses, and ex-gratia and termination payments
Even if you have only a few employees, you will make savings by letting us to administer your payroll.
Compliance with VAT is getting ever more complex. With late filing penalties increasing seemingly year on year, it is more important than ever to ensure that you comply with HMRCs filing regulations.
We offer several different services to assist in completion of your VAT returns;
By letting us do your book-keeping we will be able to complete your return.
Give us your books and we'll complete the return for you.
Provide training on how to complete your return.
We complete VAT returns in good time to ensure you avoid any penalties.
In addition we can assist with;
Applying for VAT registration
Advice on the VAT schemes suitable to your business
VAT planning
Dealing with any disputes that arise with Customs
Attendance at VAT inspections.